北京時間12月29日凌晨消息,蘋果公司周四發(fā)表聲明,就其備受爭議的降低老款iPhone手機速度以保護電池穩(wěn)定性的決定致歉,表示不會故意縮短任何產(chǎn)品的壽命。同時提出了解決方案,蘋果將保修期外的iPhone電池更換價格從從79美元降至29美元,持續(xù)時間為1月下旬到2018年12月。今年的蘋果可謂是禍不單行,iOS 11發(fā)布之后被不少人戲稱為“iBUG”,iPhone 8銷量達不到預(yù)期,前兩天還有國外網(wǎng)友扒出蘋果給老款iPhone手機降頻,讓蘋果又頂在了風(fēng)口浪尖。在此之前,蘋果也經(jīng)歷過很多“門”時間,那么今天來盤點一下蘋果都陷入過哪些門事件。
在一年前的iOS 10.2.1中,我們推送了一個軟件更新,以提升在負載達到高峰時的電源管理,避免iPhone 6、iPhone 6 Plus、iPhone 6s、iPhone 6s Plus以及iPhone SE的意外關(guān)機情況。通過這次更新,iOS可以在需要避免關(guān)機的情況下,動態(tài)管理某些系統(tǒng)組件的最高運行性能。然而這些變化可能并沒有告知用戶,在一些情形下,用戶可能會發(fā)現(xiàn)應(yīng)用打開時間長等性能下降現(xiàn)象。
消費者對于iOS 10.2.1的回應(yīng)是正面的,因為這次更新的系統(tǒng)成功降低了意外關(guān)機的發(fā)生次數(shù)。我們近期將同類更新擴展至搭載iOS 11.2的iPhone 7、iPhone 7 Plus。
我們現(xiàn)在相信,設(shè)備運行變慢還有一種因素,就是舊款iPhone 6/6s設(shè)備電池中化學(xué)物品持續(xù)的老化現(xiàn)象,這些舊款iPhone 6/6s多數(shù)還是使用原廠電池。
A Message to Our Customers about iPhone Batteries and Performance
We've been hearing feedback from our customers about the way we handle performance for iPhones with older batteries and how we have communicated that process. We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down. We apologize. There's been a lot of misunderstanding about this issue, so we would like to clarify and let you know about some changes we're making.
First and foremost, we have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades. Our goal has always been to create products that our customers love, and making iPhones last as long as possible is an important part of that.
How batteries age
All rechargeable batteries are consumable components that become less effective as they chemically age and their ability to hold a charge diminishes. Time and the number of times a battery has been charged are not the only factors in this chemical aging process.
Device use also affects the performance of a battery over its lifespan. For example, leaving or charging a battery in a hot environment can cause a battery to age faster. These are characteristics of battery chemistry, common to lithium-ion batteries across the industry.
A chemically aged battery also becomes less capable of delivering peak energy loads, especially in a low state of charge, which may result in a device unexpectedly shutting itself down in some situations.
To help customers learn more about iPhone's rechargeable battery and the factors affecting its performance, we've posted a new support article, iPhone Battery and Performance.
It should go without saying that we think sudden, unexpected shutdowns are unacceptable. We don't want any of our users to lose a call, miss taking a picture or have any other part of their iPhone experience interrupted if we can avoid it.
Preventing unexpected shutdowns
About a year ago in iOS 10.2.1, we delivered a software update that improves power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns on iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and iPhone SE. With the update, iOS dynamically manages the maximum performance of some system components when needed to prevent a shutdown. While these changes may go unnoticed, in some cases users may experience longer launch times for apps and other reductions in performance.
Customer response to iOS 10.2.1 was positive, as it successfully reduced the occurrence of unexpected shutdowns. We recently extended the same support for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus in iOS 11.2.
Of course, when a chemically aged battery is replaced with a new one, iPhone performance returns to normal when operated in standard conditions.
Recent user feedback
Over the course of this fall, we began to receive feedback from some users who were seeing slower performance in certain situations. Based on our experience, we initially thought this was due to a combination of two factors: a normal, temporary performance impact when upgrading the operating system as iPhone installs new software and updates apps, and minor bugs in the initial release which have since been fixed.
We now believe that another contributor to these user experiences is the continued chemical aging of the batteries in older iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s devices, many of which are still running on their original batteries.
Addressing customer concerns
We've always wanted our customers to be able to use their iPhones as long as possible. We're proud that Apple products are known for their durability, and for holding their value longer than our competitors' devices.
To address our customers' concerns, to recognize their loyalty and to regain the trust of anyone who may have doubted Apple's intentions, we've decided to take the following steps:
Apple is reducing the price of an out-of-warranty iPhone battery replacement by $50 — from $79 to $29 — for anyone with an iPhone 6 or later whose battery needs to be replaced, starting in late January and available worldwide through December 2018. Details will be provided soon on apple.com.
Early in 2018, we will issue an iOS software update with new features that give users more visibility into the health of their iPhone's battery, so they can see for themselves if its condition is affecting performance.
As always, our team is working on ways to make the user experience even better, including improving how we manage performance and avoid unexpected shutdowns as batteries age.
At Apple, our customers' trust means everything to us. We will never stop working to earn and maintain it. We are able to do the work we love only because of your faith and support — and we will never forget that or take it for granted.
iPhone 4天線門
iPhone 4可以說是真正讓全世界都認識iPhone的一款手機,國內(nèi)對于iPhone印象最深的也是從iPhone 4開始。2010年喬布斯發(fā)布了iPhone 4,小巧精致的外觀,出色的性能,以及當(dāng)時最出色的iOS 4系統(tǒng)都讓大家對于iPhone 4愛不釋手。iPhone 4的造型即使放到現(xiàn)在也并不落伍(只不過屏幕實在是小的可憐)。
蘋果致歉降速門 歷代iPhone質(zhì)量問題匯總
不過雖然iPhone 4是一款相當(dāng)出色的產(chǎn)品,也不可避免的有著缺點和不足,其中最大的一件事就是iPhone 4的天線門事件。iPhone 4剛發(fā)布不久就有網(wǎng)友曝出iPhone 4在天線設(shè)計上有致命缺陷,用手緊握手機的時候,手機信號就會衰減很多。最終蘋果對于此事作出回應(yīng),承認iPhone 4的通話中斷問題比之前嚴重,并且給用戶贈送了手機套作為賠償。
iPhone 6彎曲門
iPhone 6是2014年蘋果推出的手機,在設(shè)計上可以說與前代有了顛覆性的變化,這一設(shè)計也一直沿用到了今年的iPhone 8上。在性能上采用了64位的蘋果A8芯片,即使放到現(xiàn)在性能上也很不錯了。這已是一款很“長壽”的手機,發(fā)布三年依然還有32GB的“新款”可以在官方渠道買到。
蘋果致歉降速門 歷代iPhone質(zhì)量問題匯總
不過在發(fā)布之后,iPhone 6就陷到了彎曲門當(dāng)中。很多人發(fā)現(xiàn)iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus在穿牛仔褲的時候很容易彎曲,甚至有人試驗過徒手就能將手機掰彎。記得當(dāng)時還有新聞稱有熊孩子去Apple store掰手機玩。后來有腦洞大開的國外大神設(shè)計了一款能夠?qū)澢说膇Phone 6修復(fù)水平的設(shè)備。在之后推出的iPhone 6s上,蘋果采用了強度更高的7000系鋁合金來改善這一問題。
iPhone 6s氧化門
iPhone 6s采用了與iPhone 6一樣的外觀設(shè)計,不仔細看根本分不清是哪款。不過在性能上iPhone 6s提升明顯,尤其是加入了3D Touch功能讓手機的交互有了新玩法。
蘋果致歉降速門 歷代iPhone質(zhì)量問題匯總
iPhone X綠線門
今年蘋果推出了iPhone 8和iPhone X兩款手機產(chǎn)品,其中iPhone X是最引人注目的,劉海兒式的全面屏設(shè)計以及面部識別功能都是iPhone X的亮點。不過這樣一款出色的產(chǎn)品在剛剛發(fā)售的時候卻被發(fā)現(xiàn)有不少的缺陷。
蘋果致歉降速門 歷代iPhone質(zhì)量問題匯總
其中問題曝出最多的就是iPhone X的綠線門,很多iPhone X的用戶發(fā)現(xiàn)買了手機不久手機屏幕就會出現(xiàn)綠線,不管是重啟還是重置手機都沒有辦法解決。這些用戶都是正常使用,而且在全球的各個版本的手機中幾乎都有出現(xiàn)。事后蘋果官方給這些手機更換了屏幕,而在之后的批次中就沒聽說再有類似的事情,應(yīng)該是最早的一批iPhone X的屏幕出現(xiàn)了問題。